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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default Burgers and Meatballs with Breadcrumbs

Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> On Aug 13, 6:27�pm, Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:
>>Corey Richardson wrote:
>>>Why oh why do some people insist that homemade burgers and meatballs
>>>should have breadcrumbs in them?

>>>Just to bulk them out? So that they're spongy? What?

>>>Breadcrumbs have some place in a meatloaf, but none in a burger or
>>>meatball, IMHO.

>>>What say you?

>>For me, plain bread crumbs no, but seasoned bread crumbs yes, the
>>exception being if the individual likes plain bread crumbs in their
>>ground meat, for what ever reason, economy or flavor.
>>I take garlic herb croutons i have made for salads, give them a whirl in
>>the FP to make them 'crumbs' and add to my ground meats.
>>But then one of my favorite ways to eat a steak is as a schnitzel,
>>pounded and then egged and bread crumbed, with highly seasoned bread
>>crumbs and quickly pan fried.

> Congratulations! I believe you have invented "gravy free chicken-
> fried-steak" ;-)

Not really, use pounded veal, flour, egg and bread crumb and serve with
a slice
of lemon and its wiener schnitzel.

I like to use a nice piece of beef shoulder, slice (schnitzel) it and
proceed as above.

Often as not i make a pan sauce after cooking the schnitzel, but a nice
red wine sauce is good or even a simple white sauce flavored with a bit
of lemon juice.

> Lynn in Fargo
> Who thinks Joseph's name is wonderful!

Joseph Littleshoes