Boasting, crowing, aghast.
On Aug 16, 8:38�am, maxine in ri > wrote:
> On Aug 15, 2:48 pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> >
> > Um, wtf was your pot of stock doing in the sink?!?!? duh
> > You should have apologized for setting him up... it's still not too
> > late for you to get down on your knees, turn about is fair play ya
> > know. heheh
> I use a water bath to cool stock and other things going into the
> fridge. �While it wasn't the pot itself (that was creating the chicken
> soup o the stove), your point is well taken. �Next time, I'll decant
> the stuff into jars, put the lids on and then put them in the water
> bath.
You should never pour hot liquids into glass jars, they can crack.
There's really no need to cool stock before refrigerating. Modern
frost free fridges have no problem handling a hot pot of liquid.
After straining into a *wider* pot I simmer stock to reduce it some,
then I place the pot directly into the fridge... if you have glass
shelves as I do raise one side of the pot with a rolled up paper towel
or something so cold air can circulate underneath too. A stock pot
should be taller than it is wide (those things folks call dutch ovens
make for lousy stock pots, the worst), for making stock you want as
little surface area as possible, a tall narrow pot is best. Then
strain into a wider pot, greater surface area permits faster reducing,
and cooling. Once it cools in the fridge, you'll know because the fat
will solidify... scoop out the fat and only then replace the lid... if
you place the lid on while still hot there'll be a lot of condensate
dripping onto the fat layer... and you really don't need a lid, the
layer of fat makes an excellent lid. Now once the solidified fat is
carefully removed you can reheat and clarify if desired. Do not add
salt to stock... especially not if you are going to reduce and/or
freeze it... only add salt to the finished dish in which stock is