Mimi wrote:
> Oh George!!! That is a beautiful color in that pear jelly--how'd you
> get it so pretty???
When I make pear sauce I just run the peeled, cored pears through the
food processor then put them through the food strainer with the apple
screen in it. The juice comes out that pretty color as the pears haven't
been cooked down. I prefer it that way as it takes less time to cook the
pears when they've been processed and the juice strained. After that I
put the juice through a cloth bag and clarify it then proceed on to the
jelly making.
The juice I get is much darker--of course, I cook
> the #*&% out of the pears in the crockpot to make pear butter. Or
> maybe the kind of pears I'm using. They call 'em Cannin' Pears
> here. : - ) Hard, green, rough/gritty texture--takes a week or two
> for them to get ripe--off the tree. Or is it that I should let them
> get really, really yellow / ripe??? I do let them get yellow and ripe
> but, not too ripe before they get cooked. Please, please, please
> share your secret?!? : - )
Your canning pears are Kiefers, the same ones I use. Large, roundish,
green skin, etc. You set them on the counter until the skin turns yellow
but the flesh isn't soft, that's the only way they will ripen. Once ripe
you proceed to make whatever you want from them. I consider them to be
the only proper pear for canning as they give you a longer time period
to make whatever you're making.