Thread: Garlic presses
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John Kane John Kane is offline
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Default Garlic presses

On Aug 15, 10:22*pm, "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:
> "Corey Richardson" > wrote in message
> ...
> > If anyone's looking for a replacement Garlic press, I can thoroughly
> > recommend a Zyliss. In the past I've bought cheap ones and they've
> > lasted at most a year, but the Zyliss is still going strong over 10
> > years later.

> I've not touched a garlic press since I found out how easy it is to just
> smash and chop. IMO, it gives better flavor than the stuff through a press.
> Faster too, once you learn how.

I don't think I've ever used one. They look hard to clean and it's
faster smucking them with a knife. My nephew was helping someone get
ready for a party and was given a garlic press and a few bulbs of
garlic. The people he was helping insisted that he use the press. He
said it drove him crazy and took two or three times longer than with a
decent knife.

John Kane Kingston ON Canada