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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Posts: 9,551
Default Boasting, crowing, aghast.

"cshenk" wrote:
> "Sheldon" wrote
> >That's how everywhere works... anything left in the sink is no
> >different from dirty dishes. �I just can't imagine leaving anything to

> Sheldon, you are like OCD at times.
> People with limited counterspace and a need for those burners for something
> else, may well let a pot cool in the sink. �In Japan at the Cho, I had a
> whopping 2'x2' counterspace. �I still made great meals, but cooling stock
> was in the sink til it cooled enough and if I needed the sink, went on a
> hotpad on the floor.

Why couldn't it go on thd floor from the get go, eh?

Sheesh, you have more stoopid excuses and alibis... put the pot on a
table (don't tell me you don't have a table, I'll call you a LIAR).
Cshenk, you are definitely one of the lower IQ ones... why couldn't
the pot go on the floor from the get go, eh? What a pinhead.