Boasting, crowing, aghast.
On Aug 15, 6:17�pm, Billy <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:36:42 +0000 (UTC),
> (Steve Pope) wrote:
> > gets served, that would be
> >a healthcode violation.
> Your response has to be the most ridiculous I have ever heard on RFC.
> Guess what!!??? � � In my entire life span of cooking over 40 years,
> NEVER, �NO NEVER has the health department been in my kitchen. � They
> haven't even CALLED to make an appointment to come to my kitchen. If
> they did.....I would tell them to go to hell. �
> HOW MANY TIMES have then been in YOUR home kitchen? �
He clearly said RESTAURANT kitchen.