Garlic presses
On 2008-08-16, Sky > wrote:
> I like the tubed stuff, too! Is this cheating? The tubed tomato paste
> is great, also. After all, who uses a whole (albeit small) can of
> tomato paste all at once? Perfect for small doses.
It's not cheating if you can get good stuff. I use tube tomato paste.
Usually better and keeps well. OTOH, I've had horrible luck with tube
anchovies, the two brands I've tried tasting more like metal than anchovie.
I would never use tube garlic. I think anything but fresh garlic is vile in
the extreme and will not buy pre-ground/crushed garlic, even the stuff made
rather close to where I used to live. Pre-skinned whole cloves is the
closest to pre-fab I will go.