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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default KFC is a sleazy marketer

Jean B. wrote:
> As I see it, the problem with places like KFC is that they start out
> with a good product and idea. They are popular in their locale because
> of that. Then they start expanding and cutting corners. They forget
> why they were popular in the first place. Eventually, that leads to
> their demise. (Somewhere along the line, too, the company may be sold
> to another entity, and that entity may do the cost-cutting, etc.)

The local KFC closed several years ago. They had been doing okay but
head office came came out with a policy that they had to have in store
seating. That would have meant massive expansion of the tiny outlet,
which BTW was next door to McDonalds, and that McDs is probably the
loweset selling McDs in the organization. I rarely see people in there,
and don't imagine KFC would have don any better. Oh well, no loss.