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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default Eggs, spinach, cheese and what else?

jmcquown > wrote:

> I can't seem to get my mother to eat anything lately. Anything, that is,
> aside from eggs, cheese, spinach and toast. Not necessarily in that order
> and not necessarily combined. She does like bacon but she's shunning most
> other meats.

Make Eggs Benedict.

Also, how about spinach soup. Here is a recipe I posted recently:

Simple spinach soup. Amounts are very approximate.

1 medium onion, chopped
1 tablespoon clarified butter
2 small potatoes, peeled and sliced finely
about 2 quarts chicken stock, preferably home-made
1.7 pounds finely chopped young spinach
salt and freshly-ground black pepper
eggs, as many as needed, hard boiled (but with the yolk not quite set)
and finely chopped
lemon juice, to taste (optional)
sour cream, to taste (optional)

Fry the onion in clarified butter until golden, add the potatoes and fry
until they take up some colour. Add boiling chicken stock and cook
until the potatoes are ready. Add the spinach and cook for a couple of
minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Now you can add a
splash of lemon juice if desired, that is, if you want the soup to taste
somewhat similar to sorrel soup. Whether or not you use the lemon
juice, you can choose to add a dollop of sour cream in each plate. In
any case, put a chopped egg in each plate. Simple and rather good.

Yet another idea is the Spinach, Dijon mustard and crème fraîche, from
_Beyond Nose to Tail_ by Fergus Henderson & Justin Piers Gellatly. The
Magimix mentioned can of course be replaced by any other food processor
or blender.


Spinach, Dijon Mustard and Crème Fraîche

a big bag of spinach, stalks removed, washed, then cooked down in butter
a healthy spoonful of Dijon mustard
a handful of grated hard sheep's milk cheese or Parmesan
a dollop of crème fraîche
sea salt and black pepper

This is a splendid dollop of green with a difference. All you need is a
Magimix to whizz the ingredients.

It is a as easy as whizzing all the the ingredients together, then
eating. Do not refrigerate.

It has numerous companions, meat fish or fowl, and everyone goes yum!