Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:38:33 +0000 (UTC),
> (Steve Pope) fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:
> > Anyone with a 100-year old home has a moral duty to preserve
> > and maintain their 100-year-old kitchen architectural features.
> >
> > I shudder at the thought of folks ripping this stuff out and
> > thinking they're doing the right thing.
> A number of years ago, the DH and I looked at buying a house in
> Collierville TN that was over 100 years old and had actually been used
> as a field hospital during the Battle of Shiloh, or so we were told.
I think I know the house you mean!
> Very pretty setting, very pretty house - traditional four rooms down
> and four rooms up with central hall, stunning double staircase, but
> the kitchen would have had to be just about gutted and joined to the
> next room to work for a contemporary family. I just hated the thought
> of busting through all that old lathe and plaster work. Although the
> kitchen had certainly been somewhat updated over the years since the
> Civil War, it was still cramped and bad original design didn't help.
Seems a lot of kitchens in older homes are like that. My paternal
grandmother's house was a victorian era Craftsman bungalow style. All the
rooms were spacious... except the kitchen. Even my apartment kitchen seems
spacious in comparison. There was virtually no counter space, just a little
on each side of the sink. She had a small work table (might have seated two
people) where she'd knead dough for bread.
> It also had a couple of old slave quarters out back that were still in
> decent shape and I was certainly of two minds about *that*! I mean, I
> couldn't see making guest quarters or childrens' playrooms out of
> them. Or even storage sheds. And tearing them down would have also
> seemed disrespectful.
I can understand the dilemma about that.
> I often wonder what I could have done with the place given enough
> time, money and imagination, though.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd...who still misses Corky's
I forget where you are now... you can order and have it shipped: