Thread: Salsa with rice
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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Salsa with rice

sf wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 21:36:14 -0600, Arri London >
> wrote:
> >A lot of people around the world eat plain rice. What goes with it is
> >seasoned; the rice doesn't need to be. When cooked plain, leftovers work
> >equally well for fried rice as for rice puddings.

> Ok, leftovers for fried rice is a given.... leftover *what* for rice
> pudding??? I can't imagine meat or vegetables in it.

Leftover rice. What else were we discussing Since the rice isn't
salted, it's usable for rice puddings.
Although the idea of a savoury rice pudding isn't a bad one...think
modifed risotto. Short-grained rices are called 'pudding rice' in the UK
(maybe other places as well) unless given a specific name such as