Thread: Soy Ice Cream
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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Soy Ice Cream

sf wrote:

> Have you ever actually eaten soy ice cream? I'd rather give up ice
> cream than eat that abomination again.

You're probably right about soy-cream. However, you shouldn't give up on
soy. There's a Chinese restaurant down the street that oddly enough, has
a soy milk custard that's quite remarkable. The custard is a shocking
opaque white with a very soft texture. What it's made of is outside of
my realm of experience since the base appears to be of the most pure and
freshest cream ever. I can't say how the dish is set as it's obviously
not eggs. The custard is served with a mango sorbet and raspberry syrup.

I don't give a FF about some imaginary secret stuffed mushroom recipe
but I'd give my left nut to know this one. The owner was the pastry
chief at a great hotel here and he ain't talking.