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Pennyaline[_7_] Pennyaline[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 480
Default Kitchenaid Mixer . Model: KSM100PSWW

Sheldon wrote:
> On Aug 16, 10:30�pm, Pennyaline > wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> I did qualify by saying "unless you're handicapped". �Actually
>>> kneading dough is an excellent physical therapy for osteo arthritic
>>> hands, which is what you have if as you say it developed from over 20
>>> years of cash registar use, everyone gets osteo arthritis as they
>>> age... rhumatoid arthritis can't be helped by exercise.

>> It may be excellent therapy for osteoarthritis, but only if the joints
>> are still capable of dealing with that movement and stress. Kneading
>> dough hurts my hands like blazes even on my best days.
>> <my shoulders, too>

> Well, then unfortunately you think of yourself as handicapped, and
> probably have for a long time. Any medical doctor will tell you that
> osteo responds well to movement, breaks up the arthritis deposits and
> the human body has the remarkable ability of ridding itself of the
> debris. It's not a cure but it will slow down the progression and
> your joints will feel better. It's never too late, knead smaller
> batches and go more slowly. Some squeeze a rubber ball or those gel
> filled thingies, but nothing is as beneficial as kneading dough.
> Doing nothing is not a good thing... no pain, no gain.

Who besides you says I do nothing? I *am* "handicapped," dear, but by
COPD and not arthritis. And even if you don't choose to recognize my
experience as my own, kneading bread still hurts my hands like hell.

And Sheldon, there's simply no need to tell me what "any medical doctor
will tell you." I deal with medicine and medical issues in greater depth
than you do, and I don't wait around for your or their opinions on
anything (even though they think I'm supposed to... some docs just never
learn ;p )

<wait'll they find out I'm working on my NP... that'll get 'em!>