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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default To trivet or not to trivet

On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 20:20:29 -0500, EZ Larry
> wrote:

>When you braise meats, do you put a little trivet between the pan
>bottom and the meat to keep it out of the liquid? I never do, but a
>friend at work does and swears the meat turns out better - less like a
>crock pot stew, and more like a roast.

What do you mean by more like a roast? If I want a roast, I buy a
better cut and dry roast it.

When I braise, I use the cheapest cut possible (chuck) and I want it
to fall apart in strands when I put a fork in it. Also, my braised
meat has a caramelized exterior, unlike stew meat, because it is not
submerged in liquid.

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Mae West