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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default What to do with potatoes

"SebNoker" > wrote in message
> Just grew my own plot of potatoes, except i didnt think id end up with
> so many, ive had to throw most of them away now. What can you do with
> potatoes once theyre out of the ground to stop them going bad, can
> you freeze them or what are good cooking tips for them to freeze
> afterwards?

What are you doing with them that you've had to throw them away? Keep them
in a cool dark place and they will store quite well for a good stretch of
time. Just make sure it's not a damp place. If you don't have such a place,
then put them back in the ground. Potatoes keep a long time. My aunt has a
room in her basement where she keeps preserves and such, and in there is a
huge wooden bin for potatoes. They use them throughout the entire winter.

As for using them, the possiblities are of course, endless. One thing you
can do if you have a good size freezer is homemade hashbrowns, roasted
potatoes, and fries. As to the rest, keep them as suggested and use them as
you need them
