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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 649
Default OT - The Ugly Kitchen Contest

Jean B. wrote:

>> Wednesday morning, I am taking my sister's granddaughter to the hair
>> salon. She is 15, so she is getting highlights, a haircut, a manicure
>> and a pedicure. She will be surprised, she thinks she is just getting
>> a haircut, but my sister told me that she would love highlights and it
>> is ok with her Mom. I am the youngest in the family and I do not have
>> any grandchildren, so I get to spoil my sisters.

> Fun, fun! Is she about to go back to school in this spiffy condition?

This will be her freshman year in high school, so she is very excited.
She is a sweetheart and she is gorgeous. This is her birthday gift and
I will be getting a haircut at the same time. It will be fun. We will
go out to lunch and have girl talk.

She is a good kid, the oldest with 4 younger brothers and her parents
are divorced. Her mother was an alcoholic who stopped drinking 4 years
ago and her father is a drug addict. When her Mom, who was living in
Indiana, came home to visit, she told my sister that she was sober and
wanted to move back. This is why my sister moved out of the house and
her ex-DIL moved in (the kids were already living there). She has been
sober for 4 years and she is like a daughter to my sister. My sister has
5 sons.
