Thread: pollo y pelata
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Default pollo y pelata

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:54:21 -0500, Becca > wrote:

>Sounds good to me. So, how was it? Will you make this again?

oh sure, someday. The taste, texture etc. were all good except the dumplings
(pollo y pelata is spanish for chicken & dumplings) tended to disintegrate on
reheating. I should probably try to integrate 'more mexican' veggies next time
around also.

Your Friend
(kook baiting sig at no extra charge)

June 2008, an election in which you have probably won more awards
in a single month than any other kook in AUK history. Congratulations,
Spamtard! Your eye-glazing screeds that you call "abuse reports"
really do say the least possible with the most text. Congratulations
a second time, Spamtard! Your persistent legal threats, bogus DMCA
takedowns, attempts to get others to do your dirty work, and running
away from tough questions won you this prize.Congratulations, Dramatard!
Ridiculous ranting? Check. Unprovoked meltdowns? Check. Operatic
flouncing? Check.

Threatening to leave USENET forever, preferably
several times a week?

We (TINW) could only hope.