On Mon 18 Aug 2008 07:46:01p, Cheryl told us...
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 5.247...
>> On Mon 18 Aug 2008 07:24:45p, Cheryl told us...
>>> I have a Rival about the same size but it doesn't have an attached lid.
>>> It has settings for low, high and keep warm. I love it. It's just a
>>> ceramic bowl inside the heater element and a glass lid.
>> I have the same type, Cheryl, and I've been very happy with it. I also
>> have a smaller round one that has stood the test of time.
> Does yours also have timer settings for low (8 or 10 hours); high (4 or 6
> hours); and then automatically go to keep warm after the time's up? I've
> never had one like that before and it's too cool. Hot. Whatever.
No, mine has no timer settings. Just the temp settings of high, low, and
keep warm. It's not digital, just a single control knob.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Monday, 08(VIII)/18(XVIII)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Labor Day
1wks 6dys 5hrs 54mins
Hate is not the opposite of love;
apathy is. - Rollo May