Here's some weirdness
cybercat wrote:
> "Kswck" > wrote in message
> ...
>> According to Modern Marvels-Fast Food Tech:
>> The amount of sesame seeds used on McDonald's buns equate to the weight of
>> 2 Boeing 747's per year.
> Somebody had to be smoking some serious weed to come up with this.
Why, what is amazing about a simple calculation? From all the flying I
did I remember that the maximum takeoff weigh of a 747-400 (the latest
version and what most people think of as a 747) is around 850,000
pounds. I quick search tells me it is 875,000 pounds. Then all I would
need to do is look at an annual report etc that will likely tell me the
amount of seeds used or even weigh a sample and deduce the total from
sales figures.