That time of year to preserve..
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> In article
>>> >,
>>> Lynn from Fargo > wrote:
>>>> On Aug 13, 4:08 pm, Melba's Jammin' >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've got a pretty good corn relish recipe. . . . procedural pics are
>>>>> on my website (link below) in the blahblahblog area. Particulars can be
>>>>> found online if you use my name with it. Oh, heck -- here you go:
>>>>> Corn Relish
>>>>> Barb Schaller
>>> (particulars snipped)
>>>> =================================================
>>>> Can you cut the recipe in half and store the stuff in the
>>>> refrigerator? (Just for a couple of days or so?)
>>>> Lynn in Fargo
>>> You bet! I think maybe Michael Lonergan has done that. Put it in a
>>> sterile glass jar, keep a tasting spoon out of it and it will keep a
>>> long time.
>> Since you are the goddess... So, I have always been rather a
>> coward when it comes to preserving, although I increasingly find
>> myself thinking it might be a good thing to do--in conjunction
>> with growing ones own produce or buying local organic produce.
>> Can I do a small batch of anything, put it in sterile jars, not
>> taste--or not use already used tasting spoon--and keep this in the
>> fridge without getting into seals and such?
> Funny you mention that, Jean. Pretty much, under the conditions you
> describe and plan to follow. If it gets furry, pitch it. Relishes with
> vinegar in the brine or syrup seem to work well. In essence that's what
> I do with 'extra' product that won't fill a jar. I've never had a
> problem with it.
Thanks. I am such a coward. That aside, it seems like a
reasonable way to test a recipe.
Jean B.