Progress Report
"Marie Dodge" > wrote in message
> "Isabella Woodhouse" > wrote in message
> ...
> Brevity snips.
> Two of our gardens are still producing. The west garden (squash, peppers,
> eggplants and tomatoes) went down to the spider mites. Little is left. The
> string beans were harmed by the organic insecticides (Organicide and Need
> Oil) and some died. I don't expect the harvest we usually get. But the
> collards, chard and tomatoes in the other gardens are looking good. I
> watered the earth and planted the beets. I couldn't wait for rain anymore.
> We're having the 2nd year of drought here.
sure wish we could send some of our rain your way....we're lucky to get 3
days in a row without it. I've seen fields that still have puddles in them,
since the Spring. Farmers couldn't even get in to plant.
I didn't do a veg garden this year, but I haven't had to water my flower
gardens once. And some stuff never bloomed as there wasn't enough sun....
>> Tomorrow, I'm hoping to make some lemon-zucchini marmalade. The
>> cucumbers are still coming.
>> Isabella
>> --
>> "I will show you fear in a handful of dust"
>> -T.S. Eliot