Progress Report
"Kathi Jones" > wrote in message
> "Marie Dodge" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Isabella Woodhouse" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> Brevity snips.
>> Two of our gardens are still producing. The west garden (squash, peppers,
>> eggplants and tomatoes) went down to the spider mites. Little is left.
>> The string beans were harmed by the organic insecticides (Organicide and
>> Need Oil) and some died. I don't expect the harvest we usually get. But
>> the collards, chard and tomatoes in the other gardens are looking good. I
>> watered the earth and planted the beets. I couldn't wait for rain
>> anymore. We're having the 2nd year of drought here.
> sure wish we could send some of our rain your way....we're lucky to get 3
> days in a row without it. I've seen fields that still have puddles in
> them, since the Spring. Farmers couldn't even get in to plant.
Yes, I've also heard parts of the country had gardens rotting from all the
rain. I have a friend in Maine who lost almost everything to the constant
rain. And here the crops are turning brown in the fields. Pasture is brown
as are lawns and both trees and shrubs, native to the area, are turning
color and dropping leaves already - just like last year. We lost a lot of
our landscaping to the heat and drought last summer. It looks like we're
going to lose more this summer as well. In a normal year they drop leaves
in late Sept. into October.
> I didn't do a veg garden this year, but I haven't had to water my flower
> gardens once. And some stuff never bloomed as there wasn't enough sun....
It's one thing or the other isn't it? :^(
> Kathi
>>> Tomorrow, I'm hoping to make some lemon-zucchini marmalade. The
>>> cucumbers are still coming.
>>> Isabella
>>> --
>>> "I will show you fear in a handful of dust"
>>> -T.S. Eliot