Hiya folks...
I have two 5-ish pound chickens, spatchcocked and brining...
hopefully later today I can smoke them on the old style Egg. I am
brining them, for flavor - just to see how it works out.. I've tried
the spatchcock without the brine and it was right tasty... but thought
I would check it out this way as well.
So... sometimes when I smoke the chickens... the skin is nice a
crispy-crunchy and u can bite right through it... other times it is
kinda rubbery and not yummy at all. Is this a cookign temp. thing? Do
I need to cook it a bit more to get the crispy crunchy skin?
Tips... advice...
'spill a beer cuz I'm missin' you, I'm still alright to smile...'
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smokin' along with an old style Big Green Egg...
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