BOB > typed:
>> John O > typed:
>>> Which area of Orlando? Bubbaloos has several locations spreadout.
>> I'm doing a trade show at OCCC on Int'l Drive.
>> -John O
> That's what I was afraid you'd say. <VBG>
> I can never *find* the location in that area. I have to have someone drive
> me there. ;o)
> It's close by, though. It's also close to Universal Studios. Here's the
> address:
> Bubbalou's Bodacious BBQ
> 5818 Conroy Road
> Orlando, FL 32835
> It's the best commercial barbecue that I've found, just don't compare it to
> anything you make at home.
> Also, avoid the BBQ chicken sandwich, it's a breast quarter (bones and all)
> smothered with sauce, between two slices of bread.
> Everything else on the menu is great.
> Have fun, and when you get here, invite me since it's on the expense
PS, I sent Dave Bugg (where is he, anyway?) 2 T-shirts from Bubbalou's a
while back, since he was looking for T-shirt ideas.
I even found a website for Bubbalou's: