"jmcquown" > wrote in message
. ..
> Dimitri wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> . ..
>>>> TFM®
>>> Just curious... from what part of the cow? I've never seen a cut of
>>> beef at the supermarket (or the butcher shop, for that matter) marked
>>> "fajitas".
>>> Jill
>> Skirt steak.
>> http://whatscookingamerica.net/Histo...itaHistory.htm
>> Dimitri
> Ah, so is this like a supermarket labelling something "stew beef" or
> "London broil"? Because I've never seen a diagram of cuts of beef from a
> cow marked "fajitas" 
> Jill
IMHO London Broil is the biggest con-job in history.
I'd like to have a dollar for every phone call I've had asking how to cook
London Broil and have it come out tender.
I think it's only good for making GROUND ROUND.