Making chicken fajita salad
I saw a grocery store selling it and I want to make what they made and
sell it for like 7.99 per lb.
Quot arguing and can someone tells me how to make it with the
ingredient I have? And I don't have the grill either. I have gas stove
On Aug 21, 5:01 pm, amandaF > wrote:
> Googling overwhelmed me especially when I see the ingredient I don't
> have. What I have are these:
> Chicken breast
> red onion
> yellow onion
> green bell pepper
> green onions
> tomoato (cherry as well as one other kind)
> chilli powder
> cumin powder
> dried black bean
> I do have some chilli sauce and stuff
> I do not have any cheese currently and I do not plan to buy.