REC: Beware! Contains Canned Soup
> > 08-24-2008
> >
> > I just finished trying this recipe out and the rice does not seem to
> > have cooked well in the process.
> >
> > The flavor was nice, though, and I want to try again.
> >
> > Did I miss something? Was I supposed to cook the rice first? Monitor my
> > oven temp closely (it can be uneven)?
> >
> > TIA
> >
> Apart from the rice seeming not cooked enough, did it seem to have enough
> liquid when finished or was it too dry? Was the cooking dish well-sealed?
> Temperature is important, but more liquid (water or broth) will make the
> rice more tender, as well as lengthing the cooking time if necessary,
> perhaps to an hour? If the oven was too hot it could have boiled off
> liquid faster and left the rice less tender and drier.
Yes! That's it! It got too dry somehow . . .
I don't have a cover for the casserole I used, so tried a piece of foil
that has been lying around doing nothing, and it was a little loose . .
I have a round casserole with a proper lid to use next time.
Also I'm going to cut back on the garlic by about half next try.
But all that notwithstanding, thanks again for the nice easy recipe.