Low Gas Grill Flame?
On Thu, 09 Oct 2003 17:13:40 GMT, Red Hook >
>On 10/9/03 9:48 AM, in article ,
>"JR" > wrote:
>> I have a 2 burner 44,000 BTU gas grill. I like meat charred and rare, so I
>> normally use it on high. Last night, halfway thru cooking, the gas ran out.
>> I put a new bottle on and the flame was very low. Even with both burners on
>> high, the grill would not develop the extremely hot temp that I like. I've
>> noticed this (low flame) a couple of times before, but never linked it to a
>> new bottle. Is it possible that with a new bottle I somehow don't get as
>> much gas flow (maybe a slower vaporization rate)? Any ideas? Thanks
> I had the same problem with my gas grill, and it turned out that my burner
>had corroded to where I wasn't getting any pressure. Maybe check yours out-
>easy $20 fix. You also might want to take a look at where the controls fit
>into the gas lines - the Venturi tubes, I believe - and make sure that no
>insects have made that their home.
There is some aspect of the design of the new overfill prevention
device that restricts the flow of gas under certain conditions. Can't
remember what those conditions are, but I've seen others discussing
the problem here. Seems like it had something to do with not
completely shutting the valve off.
Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"Anything, when cooked in large enough batches, will be vile."
--Dag Right-square-bracket-gren, in alt.religion.kibology