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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Posts: 5,744
Default Very OT Post: (Except for the word fork)

"Saerah Gray" > wrote in message
. 102...
> "Paul M. Cook" > fnord
> :
>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>> news
>>> Steve Pope wrote:
>>>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>>>>It didn't have to be a Marine, but it pretty much had to be a man.
>>>>>Likewise, it had to be a dog or the punchline wouldn't work. There
>>>>>are far
>>>>>more crude jokes than that, that target minority groups, etc.
>>>> I have to deviate into a time-worn argument, but animals cannot
>>>> fight back, or even express in words their disgust about anti-animal
>>>> humor. That makes it all the more important not to joke
>>>> about trashing them.
>>> Please report back with a count of how many dogs have been offended
>>> by the telling of that joke.

>> That's just why the joke isn't funny. A guy kills a little dog
>> because he's ****ed at it's owner? What if instead of throwing it
>> from the train he bludgeoned it to death with a club.

> Because that would make no sense. The bludgeoned dog would still be
> occupying the seat.
>> Would that be
>> more or less funny? What if instead of a dog it was a baby? Would
>> that be funny?

> Uh, no. the punchline wouldn't work then.
>> How many infants would be offended by that joke?

> Don't tell me you've never heard of dead baby jokes?

If somebody posted one here, I'd probably make a comment about it's
tastelessness, yes. It's been determined I don't get humor, so let's just
drop it.
