Pickled Boiled Dirt Chunks SCORE !!!
cybercat wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
>> In article >,
>> ChattyCathy > wrote:
>>> *I* would be somehow, sort of, maybe, um, ashamed to claim prize(s)
>>> for something I had never tasted. But that's just my humble opinion.
>> Bully for you.
> It's really hard to understand why "Chatty" is so surprised that so
> many people recoil from her.
Hmmm. That was a *really* weak attempt at an insulting post from you
cybercat. Not a swear word to be seen, no exclamation points, and no
shouting. You could have at least slipped a spelling mistake in there -
nothing upsets me quite like a good spelling mistake. Tsk. What gives?
OMG, it has just dawned on me - you're taking your meds again. Please
don't. I like it better when you really rant and rave and call me nice
colorful names. Nothing like a good 'cat-fight', to get the day
started, 'eh? (Geddit, cat-fight?)
<Chatty whispers to cyber>
Now please go and throw all those meds in the trash like a good girl and
let's get back to business, shall we?
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...