"cybercat" > wrote in message
> "Dimitri" > wrote :
>> Mango "is one of the big 8 allergens."
> No way! Really? I wonder if the enzyme is the culprit?
Since you neither know how to click or read, I'll copy and paste for you.
B. More information:
Mango is not one of the "big eight" allergens (milk, peanut, wheat, seafood,
fish, soya, tree nuts, and egg), and therefore not as much is known about
it. But there are compelling reasons to study less common allergens to the
extent possible. One is that they may be "emerging" allergens, as mango is
(see immediately below). Incidence of an allergy may rise significantly in a
short time, leaving many clinicians unprepared. Furthermore, knowledge of
less common allergens is important not only in terms of the allergies
patients may have, but those they DON'T have. Self-diagnosis is probably
more common in allergy than in any other area of healthcare, and patients
are certainly not restricted mainly to the "big eight" in their incorrect
ideas about adverse reactions they are experiencing. For any reported
adverse reaction, a clinician needs both the means to assemble solid
evidence about the nature of the reaction, and also a theoretical framework
within which to reason. Without, for instance, a range of suspicions of
cross-reactions, based on, for example, botanical relationship or the
presence or the type of a panallergen, diagnosis and management will be