Thread: Anchovies
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Anchovies

"none" <""Mark\"@(none)"> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Steve Pope wrote:
>> Jay > wrote:
>>> I bought a jar for the first time (previously had them from small
>>> tins). Used a couple in a salad and put the jar in the fridge (as per
>>> the label). 2 days later I go to get them out of the fridge and the
>>> liquid in the jar has turned into a mushy white mush!

>> Yeah, it's normal -- that is olive oil in the jar, which (at
>> least in certain grades) is solid at refrigerator temperature
>> (at least for some refrigerators).
>> When I open a tin, I rinse off the oil and transfer to
>> a new container. This is just for convenience, no problem
>> to let it solidify instead, then scrape/rinse it away later.
>> Steve

> I guess you could just let the jar warm enough to melt the solidified
> olive oil before using the anchovies..? It shouldn't take long.
> If you are daring and adventurous, and enjoy fishing with dynamite, you
> could put the jar in the microwave oven for 10 seconds or so.

None of that is necessary. You need to leave the anchovies you aren't using
in the oil and salt that are preseving them. Don't heat them until you are
using them. These bottles are not cheap, but they will happily sit in the
fridge door for months as you use the anchovies filet by filet, which opened
tins will not.
Remove the amount you need and within moments it will be as you expect it to
be. If cooking with them, toss them into the pan and they will dissolve and
disappear just like any other anchovy.