Goomba wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> I've scored so many excellent baking sheets and pans this way.
>> People buy these things and stash them under the stove, only to be
>> forgotten about. The cleaners never look down there.
>> Somebody left a 1/4lb+ of marijuana in the apartment I moved into at
>> 1999 Fountainview Court, Columbus OH (Reynoldsburgh) in 1996 - Along
>> with 2 Airbake half-sheet pans in that same drawer.
>> The marijuana was just so-so (considering I just moved from Northern
>> California) but I still have the Airbake sheet pans <cough>.
>> -sw
> LOL, one of the neatest features on my new cabinets are the "toe kick"
> drawers which if you didn't know existed, you'd .....never know it was
> there! We're calling it my "dope drawer" LOL
> I've loaded it with infrequently used items such as skewers, rolling
> pin, etc.
> I wish I had more of these bad boys.. take a peek-
I like that drawer idea a lot!!
I also like the idea of built-in baseboard vacuums (I'm sure there's a
proper name for them). You just sweep crumbs up to the baseboard, kick a
switch and they're gone. Probably more trouble cleaning them out than
they're worth, though.