The new Emeril
On Aug 27, 9:46*am, Sheldon > wrote:
> I dunno, most channels have lots of commercials, the discovery
> channels don't seem to have more/less than others. *I shut down most
> of the Olympics on NBC because the commercials were on longer than the
> actual events... and who wants to watch volley ball like 90 pct of the
> time (I hate volley ball, I don't consider it an Olympic event), this
> was by far the very worst Olympics broadcasting ever.
I did most of my (limited) Olympics watching on CBC, which is
available here in
southeast Michigan. A very interesting slant on the coverage, and
tolerable commercials. Since I don't give a rip about who wins, one
slant is as good as another. I never did get to see any sabre/saber,
Cindy Hamilton