I'm allergic to Mango ?
On Aug 27, 1:44*am, dsi1 > wrote:
> Paul McNoob wrote:
> > For the first time in my life (at 37 years old), I had a Mango about
> > 3-4 months ago.
> > I had my very second Mango 2 days ago, and today, my lips are a LITTLE
> > puffier than normal (but not too noticeable) and feel chapped. The
> > same irritation I had after the first time I had the mango.
> > Is it possible to be allergic to Mango? I'm not allergic to anything -
> > nuts, fruits, veggies, seafood, nothing.
> > So why mango? I guess I'll have to search the 'net for this one..
> > The day after eating the mango, my lips feel like I'm about to get a
> > coldsore (which I get). I'm now on the 2nd day after eating the mango
> > and no cold sore, but like i said above, my lips are irritated/chapped
> > feeling.
> > Strange!
> My wife is quite sensitive to the skin and sap of the mango and will
> have those symptoms you describe. She cannot handle the fruit with her
> bare hands. My guess is that it's similar to poison ivy, although I've
> never seen that myself.
> Just have your spouse peel that sucker for you. Peel the mango by going
> around with a knife starting from the top - try to peel it using one
> cut. It would probably be best to rinse the peeled fruit before slicing
> it. Wifey has no problems with the flesh.
> The sap and skin have no effect on me - that's one of my many super
> powers, I guess. :-)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Interesting. Well, I did touch the skin as I held the fruit, but my
mouth only touched the insides as I scooped them out. Nothing happened
to my fingers/hands. So it's the insides that bother me.
I won't be eating it again, that's for sure. As delicious as it is