Adventures in eye of round steak
Dimitri wrote:
>> On the recent episode of Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" show he
>> was in Egypt and they showed partridges being first braised then
>> immediately fried. I then saw the same two step cooking on some other
>> ethnic show but I've since forgotten which one! How unusual...or is it?
> I think they were pigeons.
> The other was a duck from the roof. :-(
> Love his show I TIVO all then remove what I've seen.
It was the SAME show?? Geeesh.. why couldnt I remember that?
Pigeons.. yes! I've got to start paying better attention when the TV is
Had you seen that pratice of first braising, then frying, before? My
husband says his grandmother did that with chicken when the end result
was "chicken on waffles" back in his childhood home in PA.