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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Re-freezing Chicken Giblets???

Janet Wilder wrote:
> I was, admittedly, lazy and just threw the little fryer chickens that
> came wrapped so neatly in their trim, plastic covers into the deep freeze.
> Now I am defrosting one and I'm wondering if I can re-freeze the
> giblets, liver and trimmed fat.
> I hate to waste anything.

How much giblets from one skinny fryer...

You can roast the giblets and liver along with the chicken (liver is
cook's treat... one liver, one bite) and it's pretty safe to refreeze
the fat, although I'd render it in a pan to fry onions with potatoes
to serve with the roast chicken... then use the chicken drippings and
chop the giblets to make a gravy. Truth is I'd toss the puny giblets
and fat out in the yard for the boids but I'm trying to be helpful...
um, giblets... don't you have a cat?