sf wrote:
>> Looking up, someone notices that the deviled eggs have been exhaustively
>> sampled by the cats, while the roast baron of beef has been dragged down
>> to the floor by the dog, who is holding it down with one paw while
>> ripping great chunks of greasy flesh from the bone and then shaking them
>> vigorously prior to bolting them down.
> Nope, that doesn't happen and my formal-ish dinners don't involve
> deviled eggs, LOL! Good lard, who do you think I am???
I was just describing the potential for hilarity. In my mind's eye, I now
remove the deviled eggs and replace them with poached salmon in chaud-froid.
> I have a large (and separate) dining room, but my table is large too
> as are the chairs... BTW: they are *all* arm chairs - suitable for
> hours of after dinner conversations that don't have to move to another
> room for everyone to be comfortable.
That's very nice. I hope to upgrade my dining room set in conjunction with
installing a gaming table in my front room, with the dining seats available
for gaming as required. The major sticking point is that the gaming table
will have to be custom-made. (By "gaming" I don't mean craps, roulette, or
poker; I mean Diplomacy, Cosmic Encounter, chess, go, backgammon, and so
forth.) Anybody know a top-notch woodworker?