(2008-08-27) NS-RFC: Can you can?
Terry wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:03:27 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > wrote:
>>Kajikit wrote:
>>> I've made jam and chutney and sauces... but I've never attempted to
>>> preserve actual food, so no, I've never canned.
>>I thought Terry meant those as well, because he did say jars were
>>included. Who knows?
>>So don't you consider jam, chutney and sauces to be food? I do LOL! If
>>I can eat it, it's food ;-)
> Yup. I figure that if it started as food and you put it on the shelf
> after it's been put up, it's "canned".
> I come from a family of 14. Mom put up well over a hundred quarts of
> tomatoes, a similar amount of corn, about sixty quarts of strawberry
> preserves, also black raspberry and cherry and some grape juice
> occasionally. But once we could afford a freezer, canning mostly went
> by the boards. Except for the raspberry preserves... we clamored for
> those.
> Best -- Terry
> ... ticked off that I can't grow black raspberries down here in Parts
> Unknown, Kaintucky...
I never bothered much with home 'canning' until Dad showed me 'how it's
done'. He also comes from a fairly big family - he grew up on a farm -
and they did a lot of it and relied on it heavily for meals too.
So, when he came to live with us he showed me how he makes dill pickles
and what you guys call 'bread and butter pickles'. We have quite a few
fig trees in the yard, so there might be some fig jam on the horizon
when they produce fruit shortly (almost that time of year here) - if we
can pick the figs before the birds get at them ;-)
I must admit I enjoy his home made goodies far more than the 'store
bought' stuff. IMHO, even if a company uses somebody's 'home recipe' to
make their preserves etc., it never tastes quite as good as when it's
*really* made at home.
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...