Thread: guinea hens
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default guinea hens

ChattyCathy wrote:
> Victor Sack wrote:
>> Tamzen Cannoy > wrote:
>>> I often wonder why these aren't farmed more. They can be quite pricy.
>>> Do most people just not know about them? Think wrongly they are game
>>> birds or taste gamey?

>> Guinea fowl is easy to get here. I can get it any day of the week in
>> one of my regular groceries. One has to know exactly what one is
>> buying, though. Free-range guinea fowl has a taste of its own,
>> somewhat
>> resembling feasant.

> Feasant? What's that a 'fonetic' fowl?
> <sorry, Bubba Vic, just couldn't let that pass>
>> Like feasant, it can sometimes be a bit bland,
>> though generally still more flavourful than "regular"c chicken. If
>> intensively-farmed, it tends to be little different from a
>> run-of-the-mill chicken.

> We have plenty of wild guinea fowl around here, although I've never been
> able to catch one, dammit. I've heard they're pretty good eating,
> though.

It's more sporting and easier to wing shoot them. Sort of like rock
pigeons that live on the ground.