Pete C. wrote:
> Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
>> "Gregory Morrow"
>> <FlyPrahaBangkokByCzechAirlinesIL62Jet@flyokayflyc> wrote in
>> message m...
>>> August 27, 2008
>>> Love Food? Think Twice Before Jumping In
>>> "So many people love to cook, they like food, and they think, boy,
>>> I'll have
>>> a job where I'll do what I love," Mr. Rainsford said. "They don't
>>> realize how hard a job it is, both financially and physically."
>> Count me out. I like to cook. I already have a good job that I
>> like. Turning a hobby into a business just makes another job and you
>> lose a hobby.
>> Good article.
> I've long said I'd like to open a restaurant - after I win a big
> lottery and can operate it a break even or even a loss for fun.
Money issues aside, would you be the one in the kitchen all day long or
acting as a sort of glorified maitre d', meeting, greeting and schmoozing
with the customers? As the article said, "Since Smoque opened, Mr. Sorkin
has scaled back to a relatively relaxed 90 hours a week."
There's a big difference between opening a restaurant and actually doing all
the work and opening one and hiring other people to do it all for you
But you know that.