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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Herbs for croutons

Dimitri said...

> I use the French bread setting because of the crust.

How about after the bread is baked and cooled, cube the bread, create an
oil a few days prior infused with fine chopped basil, chives, rosemary,
parsley and garlic (or what you like), then with a spray bottle, spray
croutons over and under, like you might lightly soak French toast pre-
arranged on a narrow-wired cooling tray, then low-temp cook in the oven,
until lightly browned on one side, cover them with another cooling tray and
flip removing the top cooling tray to let them lightly brown that side.

You might end up with a little moisture of the infused oil inside to
compliment the lightly toasted crispy herbed outside.

I've never made it but that's what I pictured. I never liked trying to
carefully stab a crouton with a fork and then have it crumble to pieces.

Ahh..I see I reinvented Nancy2's reccipe.

