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Kswck Kswck is offline
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"Sheldon" > wrote in message
On Aug 28, 11:28?am, "James Silverton" >
> ?notbob ?wrote ?on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 15:24:26 GMT:
> >> with canned coffee. ?Home roasted is so much better.

> >>

> > Finally. ?Someone else to spread the coffee gospel. ?Tell 'em,
> > Mark. ?I'm talked out. ?

> There is a limit to how much work I am willing to do for very little
> effect. I do grind my own coffee beans, bought vacuum sealed and kept in
> the freezer but roasting my own is *out*.

Most folks are looking for a cup of coffee that's *consistant*. Few
folks have a clue about buying raw beans, even those who claim they
know are in fact relying on some coffee dealer like, or
their neighborhood coffee purveyor who also puts on a pretense of
expertise by tossing about weird foreign sounding terminology and the
number of burlap sacks and spilled beans on the floor... all a lotta

When I buy Eight O'Clock beans I get consistancy year after year after
year and I don't need to do anything but properly *grind* with a burr
grinder (those stoopid whirly thingies are incapable of grinding...
what's the point of talking roasting when one doesn't own a quality
burr grinder) and supply high quality water... once again, coffee is
no different from other beverages, it's ALL about the water regardless
which coffee because taste is 100 pct subjective... there is no reason
to concern oneself about coffee quality when one brews with murky
mystery water straight from the tap, or worse, fercocktah fetid
bottled *stale* water from someone elses tap. It makes as much sense
to buy premium beans and brew with mystery water as it is to use top
shelf scotch for a sour.

Like the idiot who only ordered Stoli and OJ and swore he could taste the
difference in his vodka?