Thread: Tea cups
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koko koko is offline
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Default Tea cups

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 13:52:03 +0100, Janet Baraclough
> wrote:

>The message >
>from koko > contains these words:
>> I was just posting some photos on my blog about a tea we had last
>> weeked. Some of the tea cups used at the tea are from a family
>> collection, some I remember from childhood.
>> I remember mom had a special wall rack that the cups hung from and the
>> saucers were placed on edge on a grooved shelf above the matching cup.
>> The rack was three shelves high and probably 4 or 5 cups wide.

>> Do you think anyone collects tea cups anymore?

> Yes, me. I always drink my morning tea from a bone china cup with
>saucer; the open shape of cups definitely improves the taste :-). I
>used to buy old fine-bone china from jumble sales , not just tea (and
>coffee) cups and saucers but teapots, milk jugs and sugar bowls and
>hand- embroidered linen tray cloths, tea-table cloths and napkins. My
>junk is very "collectible" now, but I only paid pennies for it back in
>the 60s and 70's when nobody wanted old-fashioned last remnants of a
>set .Unmatched, it still makes a pretty breakfast table or afternoon tea
>for guests, and I like using it myself and wondering who else did, a
>century ago.
> Janet.

I think collecting fine tea items would be a fun hobby. Trying to find
beautiful old linens and tea accessories would be a challenge.

There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 8/27