Thread: Tea cups
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koko koko is offline
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Default Tea cups

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 10:37:34 -0400, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:

>koko wrote:
>> I was just posting some photos on my blog about a tea we had last
>> weeked. Some of the tea cups used at the tea are from a family
>> collection, some I remember from childhood.
>> I remember mom had a special wall rack that the cups hung from and the
>> saucers were placed on edge on a grooved shelf above the matching cup.
>> The rack was three shelves high and probably 4 or 5 cups wide.
>> Do you think anyone collects tea cups anymore?

>Jim recently came home with his portion of his aunt's teacup collection.
> I had no idea it was such a popular hobby. They're beautiful, and I'm
>glad we have them.
>My taste has always run towards the hand crafted stoneware pottery. I
>love outdoor art shows and usually end up buying a mug, a plate, or a
>bowl. It started with all different mugs, but as the cabinet filled up,
>I expanded to plates, bowls, and serving dishes. I can now set a table
>with each piece on it all by different artists.

We had a cookin' at the Bartos here in San Diego. They collect hand
thrown pottery and have some gorgeous pieces. She let me use one of
her pieces to serve my dish, it was beautiful but it made me nervous
to use a one of a kind hand made platter.

I'll bet your table when set with the different pieces is beautiful,
like a work of art.

>And now to discover that Jim's aunt had the same idea of setting the
>table with all different tea cups. The aesthetic is different, but the
>idea is the same.

There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 8/27