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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Speaking of butter ;)

On Fri 29 Aug 2008 05:39:11a, jmcquown told us...

> I've seen Plugra and Kerrygold Irish butter (and cheeses!) at Publix.
> There's been some talk here about how much better these butters taste.
> I pause when I go past the butter section wondering, should I try one or
> the other? I never looked long enough to notice the actual price, other
> than to note it's a lot higher than anything Wisconsin decided to sell
> I should add I don't consume a lot of butter. I rarely eat toast or
> buttered breads, don't use it for much for browning anything and mostly
> when I do that it's a scant Tbs. combined with olive oil. A stick (1/4
> lb.) of butter in the fridge often lasts a month. But I definitely
> prefer butter over any sort of margarine product. So I'm curious about
> this stuff.
> Forget about the friggin "health" issues; I have very low cholesterol
> and Mom at age 82 says "screw cholesterol, I promise I'll take my
> pills!" LOL
> Who loves Plugra? Who loves Kerrygold? Yay? Nay? Why and wherefore?
> Jill

If your just "eating" butter, as on toast or on vegetables, in mashed
potatoes, etc., then I don't think either Plugra or Kerrygold has a
particular advantage. Where European and European style butters really
shine is in baking, particularly if you make things like puff pastry.
These butters actually have a higher fat content and lower water content
than domestic butters.

I have tried both and found Plugra rather bland tasting. Kerrygold has a
really nice flavor.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Friday, 08(VIII)/29(XXIX)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Labor Day
2dys 17hrs 37mins
'Bother', said Pooh, as he was
butchered for his paws & liver.