Sheldon wrote:
On Aug 29, 9:02?am, "cybercat" > wrote:
> "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
> > "Stan Horwitz" > wrote in message
> >> ?Obama gave a masterful speech.
> > Yes, he did. ?But he is still a politician and little, if any, will come
> > true.
> Is this what you said when Bill Clinton ran? As I recall, much of what he
> promised did indeed come true. By the end of his two terms were were MUCH
> better off than we are now. There is much to be said for the philosophy
> "lead, follow, or at least get the **** out of the way."
Nothing in politics occurs instantaneously... Bush inherited all
Bubba's miscreant mischief. Bubba started off okay because of what he
inherited (guess from which two Repulicans.. Reagasn and Bush sr) but
he sure left a mess... yoose wanna see what all Bubba left in the
white house, look at the dripples under his desk. Bubba had plenty
opportunities to undo Bin Laden, but he was too busy doing Lewinski
etal. Bubba is the same kinda loser as JFK... yes, JFK was a coward,
that's why there's still a communist empire not 90 miles off shore...
if JFK wasn't such a wuss Castro would have been long gone (I know, I
was there). Bush did damned good considering the hand Bubba dealt
him. And the economy is just fine... it's a known economic fact that
if all the wealth in the world were equally distributed it would go
right back to the same few within a few years. Anyone who's poor it's
because of two reasons and two reasons only, Lazy & Stupid. Obama is
wealthy, not because he's just like everyone else, but because he's
smart and energetic, unfortunately he's also a hypocrite.
GM replies:
And people always defend Clintoon by saying that the economy was "great"
during his tenure. Folks forget that Presidents generally have very little
effect macro - economically on the economy, if it was that easy they'd snap
their fingers and we'd have 0% unemployment and everyone would be making six
figures...it AIN'T that easy.
Billi Boob simply got lucky, that was all. We had a huge tech bubble (which
of course later burst late in his tenure) which poured huge amounts of money
into the economy, both directly and in the form of taxes...and actually he
embraced and continued the economic policies that Reagan put into place. In
fact he did Reagan one better - he *decreased* the size of the Federal
gov't. and "ended welfare as we know it", two things which Reagan atttempted
but failed to do...
The dumb goober WASTED the last two years of his presidency with that
fellatio business, mayb if that had not happened we could have attended to
other matters...
He DISGRACED the office of the Presidency with his self - destructive
antics, something which to me is unforgivable. I heartily wish that The
Impeached Scumbag and The Former First Bitch would GO away - and STAY
I am no fan of Bush but he has not disgraced the *office* of the Presidency
as Clintoon did...and peeps complain about Laura Bush being "boring", I'll
take "boring" over some termagent like Hillary who runs roughshod all over
ned with her "feminist" witch's broom. And she is not even a real
"feminist", she has put up with being Billi Boob's doormat for decades now
and has rode his coattails into power. NO self - respecting woman would put
up with someone like Bill Clintoon...not even if they lived in a trailor
park (like the cyberwretch does!)...