On Aug 29, 12:16*pm, koko > wrote:
> On abf in the thread "Some lunch goodies" Shawn posted his photo of
> some poached eggs.
> Then the conversation went on and he said "I have been hard poaching
> eggs, and chilling them for use in wraps,
> salads, etc. It's much easier than trying to peel boiled eggs."
> He also offered "for a different texture, whiz them up before
> poaching"
> Great ideas and I was going to do that with my last two eggs this
> morning then I got to thinking, if I'm going to whiz the eggs why not
> add a few goodies to them as well. And...if I was going to add a few
> goodies as well, might as well try and make some miniature quiches.
> Brilliant. Except I have nothing to use as a crust, well, crust less
> quiches are fine too. If I were a white bread eater I would trim the
> crusts off of a couple of slices of plain ol' white bread and roll
> them thin with a rolling pin, butter both sides and line the cups with
> them, trimming to fit. I'll try that another time.
> So here's what I did.
> Gathered my ingredients together. I have some thinly sliced ham,
> onion, Brie cheese, my last two eggs so this dang well better work, a
> smidgen of mustard to add to the egg mixture and milk. And of course
> some freshly ground salt and pepper.http://i36.tinypic.com/xcswuu.jpg
> I cooked the onion in some butter until it was soft and added the ham
> just long enough to heat it up.
> Mixed up the eggs, milk, mustard, salt and pepper.http://i37.tinypic.com/15x70o3.jpg
> Placed some ham and onion mixture into the buttered poaching cups and
> topped with a square of Brie cheese.http://i36.tinypic.com/2eltfyx.jpg
> Added the egg mixturehttp://i34.tinypic.com/fc1o5s.jpg
> Here is where I started holding my breath
> Gently started transferring the filled cups to the hot water. On the
> way to the pan I thought dang these are heavy, I hope they don't sink
> to the bottom of the pot and fill with water. Luckily I had just
> enough water. They did touch bottom but did not fill with water. I
> really don't think they would have floated.http://i33.tinypic.com/25hfzhj..jpg
> Peeking through the lid they are puffing up just fine.http://i34.tinypic.com/21lonxl.jpg
> Here's the perfect poached quiche plated. The other one I kinda ruined
> appearance wise when I checked for doneness.http://i35.tinypic.com/2lji55f.jpg
> I broke open the not so perfect looking one to show the melted cheese
> inside. mmmmmhttp://i36.tinypic.com/25iu6ao.jpg
> I think these would be so great on a brunch or luncheon plate.
> koko
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *George Bernard Shawwww.kokoscorner.typepad.com
> updated 8/27
This seems more like a poached omelette than a poached quiche. I hope
it tasted good.
The crust of a quiche is an integral part of the quiche to me.
Susan B.