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W. Baker W. Baker is offline
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Default Clean out the fridge soup.

Ozgirl > wrote:
: Sounds good, wonder if green slimy stuff makes a good soup With everyone
: in the family sick of late with either flu or stomach bug some vegetables
: aren't the best. I am not well enough to tackle that kind of the job at the
: moment.

If you have a pressure cooker you can make a not large amount of soup very
easily and quickly. Just dump stuff in, add water to level recommended by
the mpot maker, and pressure cook for about 25 minutes and let pressure
release slowly. I do this with a couple of chicken legs, some carrots,
celery, or whtever whenever someome gets a tummy bug. First day, broth
only, second day a few vegetbles and a little chicken meat. works for us.
Of course, you can put in salt, pepper, dill or thyme or other hebs your
family goes for. Wroks even if you don't feel so hot yourself. If you
want, remove chicken an dbones and puree, so the vegetables can be cut
quite coarsely.
