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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 5,516
Default Goodbye, Pathmark

> Salutations, gentlefolk,
> As you may have heard, the _Pathmark_ supermarket chain (in the Middle
> Atlantic states of the USA, aka Supermarkets General Corp.) got bought
> out by the folks who run the _SuperFresh_ chain, and yesterday the
> Upper Darby, Pa. Pathmark officially became the 'Pathmark
> Sav-a-Center'.
> 'Tis unfortunate. I always found their meats very good, and the
> Pathmark store brands (disappearing in favor of 'America's Choice' (I
> will, at least, recommend the AC Orange Marmalade as first-class)) as
> good as or better than the national brands..
> Sic transit gloia mundi.

I remember when the first Pathmarks opened in the mid 60's. They were a
break-away group from Wakefern, she Shop-Rite group.

I never cared for Pathmark. Their house brand was not very good. I
didn't care for their meats or produce either. I only went when there
was something on sale. Shop-Rite was my venue of choice in Central New

When I was up there visiting a few weeks ago, I still enjoyed shopping
in the local Shop-Rite.

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life